Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

 Scroll down to read about all of the upcoming volunteer opportunities we have available!


Volunteer Opportunity - Boonanza

Volunteers needed to help with our annual Boonanza event! This event is Northern Nevada's largest trick-or-treat event and attracts up to 2500 kids and their families. The Carson City Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department seeks volunteers to help businesses and groups find their assigned booth locations, help pick up trash throughout the event, and/or help groups take down their booths at the end of the event. Volunteers can work in shifts or work throughout the entirety of the event.

If interested in volunteering for this event, please reach out to volunteer@carson.org!

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Upcoming Opportunities:  


Saturday November 2nd | 10:00am-12:00pm | Empire Ranch Trailhead

We are getting ready to host one of the last volunteer opportunities of the year! Join the Carson City Parks, Recreation & Open Space Department for a fun planting event on Saturday November 2nd from 10:00am-12:00pm at the Empire Ranch Trailhead, where we will be planting almost 200 native pollinator plants!
No registration required. Tools and gloves will be provided, just dress for the weather! If you have further questions, please reach out to volunteer@carson.org. 
We hope to see you there!


Please reach out to the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@carson.org if you would like to schedule a volunteer event in your local Parks or Open Spaces!