Carson City
7/26/2023 Planning Commission Agenda with Supporting Material
Day: Wednesday
Date: July 26, 2023
Time: Beginning at 5:00 pm
Location: Community Center, Robert 'Bob' Crowell Board Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
Members of the public who wish only to view the meeting may watch the livestream of the Planning Commission and meetings at and by clicking on “In progress” next to the meeting date, or by tuning in to cable channel 191. Livestream of the meeting is provided solely as a courtesy and convenience to the public. Carson City does not give any assurance or guarantee that the livestream or cable channel access will be reliable. Although all reasonable efforts will be made to provide livestream, unanticipated technical difficulties beyond the control of City staff may delay, interrupt or render unavailable continuous livestream capability.
The public may provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following email address: or via mail to the Planning Division of the Carson City Community Development Department (“Planning Division”) at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, NV 89701. For inclusion or reference in the minutes of the meeting, your public comment must include your full name and be received by the Planning Division not later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comment**
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of this public body.
5. For Possible Action: Approval of the Minutes – May 31, 2023
Late Material - Workshop Minutes
Late Material - Planning and Growth Management Commission Minutes
6. Meeting Items
6.A AB-2023-0203 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Michael Mistriel (“Applicant”) for a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) concerning the abandonment of a public access easement ±47,360 square feet in size to accommodate the development of an approved 139 lot residential subdivision (SUB-2021-0399), located approximately 0.27 miles northeast of the eastern terminus of East Robinson Street within the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area and zoned Multifamily Duplex (“MFD-SPA”), Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 010-041-42. (Heather Manzo,
Staff Summary: The access easement is oriented east to west and was recorded on Parcel Map No. 975 on June 29, 1983. The subject site is vacant and the easement is no longer necessary to provide access. If approved, the entire 50-foot-wide access easement will be abandoned and the subject parcel will no longer be encumbered by the easement. Per Chapter 17.15 of the Carson City Municipal Code (“CCMC”), the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding requests for the abandonment of public access easements. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to abandon the easement.
6.B AB-2023-0243 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Larry Stock (“Applicant”) for a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) concerning the abandonment of a 50-foot wide by ±607.2-foot-long portion of Deer Run Road totaling ±33,827 square feet in size located along the frontage of two parcels zoned General Industrial (“GI”) Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 008-541-91 and 008-541-59. (Heather Manzo,
Staff Summary: The right of way was dedicated with the recorded Parcel Map No. 767 on September 4, 1979. The abandonment area is located outside of the existing North Deer Run Road right of way improvements. If approved, the entire 50-foot-wide access easement will be abandoned, and the subject area would become part of APNs 008-541-91 and -59. Per Chapter 17.15 of the Carson City Municipal Code (“CCMC”), the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding requests for the abandonment of public right-of-way. The Board of Supervisors is authorized to abandon the easement.
6.C ZA-2023-0184 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) concerning a request from Carson City (“Applicant”) for a proposed ordinance amending the zoning map to change the zoning of a property from Public Regional (“PR”) to Single Family 6,000 Square Feet (“SF6”) on a ±0.7 acre property located on Fleischmann Way ±275 feet to the west of its intersection with North Division Street, APN (“APN”) 001-141-67. (Heather Manzo, Late Material - Public Comment
Staff Summary: Through the annual review of the Master Plan and Zoning Map, the Board and staff have identified the subject parcels as appropriate for consideration of a mapping correction. The property has a Master Plan land use designation of Medium Density Residential, SF6 zoning would bring the site into conformance with the Master Plan land use designation.
6.D MPA-2023-0185 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Carson City (“Applicant”) for the adoption of a resolution approving a Master Plan amendment and recommending approval of the amendment to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) to change the master plan designation from Open Space and Medium Density Residential to Parks and Recreation for a 10.15 acre parcel identified in the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area as a park site, located to the east of the terminus of East Robinson Street and to the north of East 5th Street, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 010-041-44. (Heather Manzo,
Staff Summary: Through the annual review of the Master Plan and zoning map, the Board and staff have identified the subject parcel as appropriate for consideration of a mapping correction to bring the site into conformance with the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area. The requested master plan amendment is being made concurrently with the request for a zoning map amendment (ZA 2023-0186).
6.E ZA-2023-0186 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) concerning a request from Carson City (“Applicant”) for a proposed ordinance amending the zoning map to change the zoning of a property within the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area (“SPA”) from Multifamily Duplex (“MFD-SPA”) to Public Neighborhood (“PN-SPA”) for a 10.15 acre parcel identified in the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area as a park site, located to the east of the terminus of East Robinson Street and to the north of East 5th Street, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 010-041-44. (Heather Manzo,
Staff Summary: Through the annual review of the Master Plan and Zoning Map, the Board and staff have identified the subject parcels as appropriate for consideration of a mapping correction. The requested zoning map amendment is being made concurrently with the request for a Master Plan amendment (MPA-2023-0185).
6.F MPA-2023-0187 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a request from Carson City (“Applicant”) for the adoption of a resolution approving a Master Plan amendment and recommending approval of the amendment to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) to change the master plan designation from Mixed-Use Residential and Mixed-Use Employment to Parks and Recreation for a 3 acre parcel identified in the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area as a park site, located to the west of the intersection of Airport Road and Butti Way, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 010-741-01. (Heather Manzo,
Staff Summary: Through the annual review of the Master Plan and zoning map, the Board and staff have identified the subject parcel as appropriate for consideration of a mapping correction to bring the site into conformance with the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area. The requested master plan amendment is being made concurrently with the request for a zoning map amendment (ZA 2023-0188).
6.G ZA-2023-0188 For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) concerning a request from Carson City (“Applicant”) for a proposed ordinance amending the zoning map to change the zoning of a property within the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area (“SPA”) from Single Family 6,000 Square Feet (“SF6-SPA”) and Public Regional (“PR”) to Public Neighborhood (“PN-SPA”) for a 3 acre parcel identified in the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area as a park site, located to the west of the intersection of Airport Road and Butti Way, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 010-741-01. (Heather Manzo,
Staff Summary: Through the annual review of the Master Plan and Zoning Map, the Board and staff have identified the subject parcels as appropriate for consideration of a mapping correction. The requested zoning map amendment is being made concurrently with the request for a Master Plan amendment (MPA-2023-0187).
6.H SUB-2023-0061 For Possible Action: Discussion and Possible action regarding a request from Steve Thomsen (“Applicant”) for a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors (“Board”) concerning a tentative subdivision map known as Blackstone Ranch Phase 2, to create 204 single family residential lots on a ±58.52 acre site within the Lompa Ranch North Specific Plan Area (“SPA”) zoned Single Family 6,000 Square Feet (“SF6-SPA”) and Multifamily Duplex (“MFD-SPA”) located at 2230 East 5th Street, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 010-041-40. (Heather Manzo, Part I, Part II, Part III
Staff Summary: The Applicant is requesting to subdivide a ±58.52 acre site into 204 single family residential lots with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet. The Board is authorized to approve the tentative subdivision map. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Board.
Appeal of a Commission item: An appeal must be submitted to the Planning Division within 10 days of the Commission’s action. To be part of the administrative record regarding an appeal of an item on the agenda, you must present your comments at the podium or have previously sent correspondence to the Planning Division regarding an item on this agenda. For information regarding an appeal of a Commission decision, please contact Hope Sullivan, Community Development Director, at 775-887- 2180, via e-mail at, or via fax at 775-887-2278.
7. Staff Reports (non-action items)
- Director's report to the Commission. (Hope Sullivan)
- Future agenda items.
- Commissioner reports/comments.
8. Public Comment
The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.
9. For Possible Action: Adjournment
**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS – The Planning Commission will provide at least two public comment periods prior to adjournment in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law. In addition, it is the Planning Commission’s aspirational goal to also provide for item specific public comment. In order for members of the public to participate in the Planning Commission’s consideration of an agenda item, the public is strongly encouraged to comment on an agenda item when called for by the Chair or Vice-Chair during the item itself. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. Public comment will be limited to three minutes per speaker to facilitate the efficient conduct of a meeting and to provide reasonable opportunity for comment from all members of the public who wish to speak. Testimony from a person who is directly involved with an item, such as City staff, an applicant or a party to an administrative hearing or appeal, is not considered public comment and is not subject to the three-minute time limitation.
Please note: Any person who wishes to have their complete testimony included in the permanent record of this meeting should provide a written or electronic copy to the Chair or Vice-Chair in addition to any other written material. Minutes of the meeting are produced in a summary format and are not verbatim.
Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you would like more information about an agenda item listed above, please contact the staff member listed at the end of the particular item in which you are interested at 775-887-2180. Contact if you would like copies of supporting materials for an agenda item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the Planning Division in writing at 108 E. Proctor St., Carson City, Nevada 89701, or call 775-887-2180, at least 24 hours in advance of
the meeting.
This agenda and supporting materials for the meeting are available in the Planning Division office located at 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City or at
This agenda has been posted at the following locations:
City Hall, 201 North Carson Street
Community Development Department, 108 E. Proctor Street
Community Center, 851 E. William Street
Carson City Website -
State Website -