Carson City
11-15-07 Agenda with Supporting Materials
Day: Thursday
Date: November 15, 2007
Time: Beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
Call to Order
Roll Call
Invocation - Pat Propster, Calvary Chapel, Carson City Christian Fellowship
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments and Discussion: The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any item not on the agenda that is relevant to, or within the authority of, the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board and the Carson City Redevelopment Authority. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action will be taken. Public comment during individual agenda items will be taken on the item at the time the item is called for hearing.
1. Action on Approval of Minutes
2. Changes to the Agenda
3. Special Presentation
A) Presentation of a proclamation for "The Great American Smoke-Out Day," November 15, 2007.
B) Presentation of a proclamation for "Nevada for Health Care."
4. Consent Agenda
All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting. The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion in deciding whether or not an item will be pulled off the consent agenda.
4-1. Airport Authority
Staff Summary: This Lease is for an aviation and military museum on airport property that is restricted for use as recreational and public purposes.
4-2. Development Services - Engineering
Staff Summary: Staff is requesting that the Board of Supervisors sign the Notice of a Completion of a Sanitary Sewer Participation Agreement.
Staff Summary: Staff is requesting that the Board of Supervisors sign the Notice of a Completion of a Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Participation Improvement Agreement.
4-3. Purchasing and Contracts
Staff Summary: This property is no longer useful to any city department/division and has been transferred to Surplus Property for disposal.
Staff Summary: Project consisted of constructing flood control facilities in the Timberline and Combs Canyon watersheds between Murphy Drive and Silver Oak Golf Course. The construction included two detention basins, a flood plain berm, conveyance piping, ditching and structures to direct and control the flood waters. This project is complete to the satisfaction of the Construction Manager and final payment is due.
4-4. Parks and Recreation
Staff Summary: The Parks and Recreation Department has accepted the construction of John Mankins Park in the Silver Oak subdivision. This three-acre neighborhood park was a requirement of the original development agreement between Carson City and Silver Oak Development Company executed in 1997. Subsequently Carson City entered into a Neighborhood Park Agreement with the developer in 2005 outlining more specific processes with the construction of the park and the transfer of ownership and maintenance to the City. Parks and Recreation Department staff has also negotiated a "buy out" of the two year maintenance requirement of the developer to maintain the park, and we are asking the Board of Supervisors to approve the acceptance of the first year of maintenance costs as projected. If this is approved the Parks and Recreation Department will compare costs of contracting the maintenance versus performing it "in house." This payment will allow us to control the maintenance operations there and make the facility consistent with levels of maintenance in other parks in our system, and ensure a safe and enjoyable park for our citizens. This process has been successful in the past with the park developments at Long Ranch Estates, Empire Ranch, and Northridge subdivisions, whereas we did a "buy out" of their maintenance obligations.
(End of Consent Agenda)
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other Items
5. City Manager
Staff Summary: Jeff Fontaine will be present to provide an overview of NACO activities.
6. Purchasing and Contracts
A) Action to determine the lowest responsive and responsible bidder pursuant to NRS Chapter 338 and award Contract #2007-065 Carson City Fairgrounds/Fuji Park - Rodeo Arena Improvements, Phase IV, Part 2 Project to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. LATE MATERIALS
Staff Summary: The Carson City Fairgrounds/Fuji Park B Rodeo Arena Improvements, Phase IV, Part 2 Project consists of reassembling and reorienting the former rodeo arena grandstands and bleachers in the new locations shown on the drawings; finish grading of the new rodeo arena; construction of new chutes and pens; construction of a restroom facility, multipurpose barn, covered show arena, announcers booth, and wash racks; installation of new fencing, sidewalks, and concrete plaza; applicable utilities; storm water management and erosion control BMP's. Bids will be opened November 8, 2007, at 11:10 am and the bid results will be provided to the Board of Supervisors for review by 5:00 pm and staff will provide a written recommendation prior to the meeting. The original bid date of November 1, 2007, was postponed due to numerous corrections and clarifications made to the contract bid documents.
B) Action to determine the lowest responsive and responsible bidder pursuant to NRS Chapter 338 and award Contract #2007-073 Carson City Freeway Phase 2A Utility Relocations, Highway 50 East Project to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. LATE MATERIALS
Staff Summary: Carson City is in the process of relocating their facilities as part of the Carson City Freeway Utility Relocations Project and the above described contract is necessary for relocations in Highway 50 East on both sides of the Freeway corridor. Project includes construction of approximately 78 linear feet of sanitary sewer and approximately 805 linear feet of water main, approximately 310 linear feet of water and sewer abandonment and appurtenances in Carson City. Bids will be opened November 13, 2007, at 11:10 am and the bid results will be provided to the Board of Supervisors by 5:00 pm and staff will provide a written recommendation prior to the meeting.
Staff Summary: The work to be performed under this Contract shall consist of furnishing one (1) packaged arsenic water treatment plant which shall include treatment vessels, inlet distributor/waste collectors, underdrain distributors, support gravel, control and isolating valves, filter face piping, system interconnecting piping, chemical feed equipment, rapid mixer, packaged reclaim water pumpstation, flowmeters, motorized valves, accessories, control panels, and various miscellaneous appurtenances.
7. Development Services - Planning and Zoning
Staff Summary: The subject site is approximately 26,320 square feet in overall size and is centrally located within downtown Carson City. A pedestrian plaza is currently located on site which was built within the past few years. The subject parcel is owned by the State of Nevada and is adjacent to the Nevada State Museum, which is zoned Public. As part of the Nevada State Museum expansion project, the applicant is required to change zoning of the subject parcel from Downtown Mixed Use (DT-MU) to Public (P). The intent is ultimately to combine the two lots owned by the State of Nevada and for the newly created lot to have a consistent zoning designation of Public.
Staff Summary: This proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance would modify the deadline date for Planning Commission applications and modify the time limits for obtaining a complete application for Planning Commission review.
8. Development Services
Presentation on the functions and responsibilities of the Development Services Department.
Staff Summary: Staff will make a presentation on the Development Services Department.
Redevelopment Authority
Action on Approval of Minutes
9. Office of Business Development
Staff Summary: This Owner Participation Agreement with City Management Services, doing business as Carson City Southgate, LLC will facilitate the completion of negotiations with a nationally recognized sporting goods store to execute a long-term lease to develop 55,000 square feet of retail space on the site of the former, and now blighted, vacant Wal-Mart building. On October 18, 2007, the Redevelopment Authority (RA) directed staff and Mr. Rothe to return with a redevelopment incentive package consistent with the goals of its Redevelopment Plan and NRS Chapter 279, the Redevelopment of Communities. This package includes an annual $200,000 sales tax reimbursement to make it economically possible for the property owner to attract a Class A tenant that will generate more than $450,000 in new sales tax annual for Carson City, an approximate net of $250,000 in new sales taxes annually. The RA's approval of an owner participation agreement is intended to secure the Redevelopment Authority's investment in the project with a second position on the property, a ten-year, declining lien, and a go-dark provision. The new tenant will provide new construction to replace the severely inadequate existing structure and enter into a ten-year lease to do business in Carson City.
Board of Supervisors
Staff Summary: This Owner Participation Agreement with City Management Services, doing business as Carson City Southgate, LLC will facilitate the completion of negotiations with a nationally recognized sporting goods store to execute a long-term lease to develop 55,000 square feet of retail space on the site of the former, and now blighted, vacant Wal-Mart building. On October 18, 2007, the Redevelopment Authority (RA) directed staff and Mr. Rothe to return with a redevelopment incentive package consistent with the goals of its Redevelopment Plan and NRS Chapter 279, the Redevelopment of Communities. This package includes an annual $200,000 sales tax reimbursement to make it economically possible for the property owner to attract a Class A tenant that will generate more than $450,000 in new sales tax annual for Carson City, an approximate net of $250,000 in new sales taxes annually. The RA's approval of an owner participation agreement is intended to secure the Redevelopment Authority's investment in the project with a second position on the property, a ten-year, declining lien, and a go-dark provision. The new tenant will provide new construction to replace the severely inadequate existing structure and enter into a ten-year lease to do business in Carson City.
10. Public Works
Staff Summary: This agreement is the second action related to transferring ownership from NDOT to Carson City for the NDOT streets west of Carson Street. The Board and RTC previously approved the Interlocal Agreement and this Resolution more fully describes the streets to be transferred. A second Resolution will be done in December for Carson River Road, Fifth Street-east of Fairview, and the Deer Run Road bridge.
11. Parks and Recreation
Staff Summary: Through the ongoing efforts of Gardeners Reclaiming Our Waysides (GROW), Carson City has received federal and state funds to provide landscaping and irrigation system improvements, including hardscape elements at the Carson City Freeway's Phase 1 (Northern Leg) interchanges and grade separations. If the Board of Supervisors approves this Cooperative (Stewardship) Agreement, Carson City will assume project management, design, bidding, and construction responsibilities for this project.
Staff Summary: Over the past eight years, Gardeners Reclaiming Our Waysides (GROW) has been collecting local funds to assist the City with design and construction costs to landscape the Carson City Freeway's interchanges and gateways along the freeway's northern leg. These donated funds will be used to construct landscaping and irrigation system improvements, including hardscape elements within a project area which includes the Carmine Street Grade Separation to the North Carson Street Interchange.
Staff Summary: This ordinance allows the Parks and Recreation Department to regulate mobile businesses such as mobile canteens and vendors who wish to conduct business in city parks. Mobile businesses would have to obtain permits from the Parks and Recreation Department, who would institute rules, regulations and fees recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approved by the Board of Supervisors. Locations for mobile businesses would also be designated and approved by the Parks and Recreation Department.
D) Update and discussion regarding the Tahoe Bike Path project and draft concept document.
Staff Summary: The State of Nevada Resource and Conservation Grant Program (Question 1), approved by the voters in 2002, allocated $5 million to Carson City, Washoe County, and Douglas County towards the Lake Tahoe Bike Path System. The Working Group, comprised of several jurisdictional agencies, hired EDAW as the consultant to work on a feasibility study and two demonstration projects. One phase of the project is to define the vision, guiding principles, and goals.
12. City Manager
A) Action to approve a revised job description for the position of City Manager.
Staff Summary: Per direction from the Board, this revised job description includes a provision that the City Manager must reside within Carson City and language that addresses a code of professional conduct and a requirement that the City Manager provide information to the Board regarding the administrative, financial and operational condition of the City.
B) Update on the current and future financial condition of the Carson City General Fund.
Staff Summary: Staff would like to provide monthly updates on actual budget results, revised projections and cost reduction strategies being implemented to address the deficit included in the 2007/2008 General Fund Budget. No action is requested at this time.
13. Human Resources
A) Action to amend the terms of the hiring freeze approved on October 18, 2007.
Staff summary: This item has been placed on the agenda in order to discuss and take action on proposals to exempt judicial positions, grant funded positions and positions funded through fees and charges from the hiring freeze.
Staff Summary: On October 18, 2007, the Board of Supervisors approved a hiring freeze on all open City positions and asked that no vacant positions, with the exception of Sheriffs Deputies and Firefighters be filled without specific Board approval. The Public Works Department is asking that the Board find that the position of Environmental Control Officer is critical to City operations and authorize the position to be filled. This position principally performs the following duties: 1. Implements Federally mandated Wastewater Pretreatment Program; 2. Inspection and monitoring of commercial and industrial businesses for sewer discharges; 3. Sampling of waste water flows for compliance with Federal and local discharge requirements; 4. Permitting of commercial and industrial businesses; 5. Building plan reviews and Business License review and approval; 6. Hazardous materials response support to Fire Department; 7. Water quality sampling and monitoring for compliance with Federal and State Drinking Water Standards; 8. Sample Landfill water monitoring wells and methane probes for compliance with federal and State solid waste regulations; 9. Inspecting and monitoring landfill operations for compliance with Federal and State regulations and operate the Household Hazardous Waste Program.
Staff Summary: On October 18, 2007, the Board of Supervisors approved a hiring freeze on all open City positions and asked that no vacant positions, with the exception of Sheriffs Deputies and Firefighters be filled without specific Board approval. The Public Works Department is asking that the Board find that the two positions of Street Maintenance Technicians are critical to City operations and were approved by the Regional Transportation Commission in August, 2007. These positions principally perform the following duties: 1. Snow Plowing; 2. Crack Sealing; 3. Slurry Sealing; 4. Sidewalk and Curb Repair; 5. General Street/Road Repair.
Staff Summary: On October 18, 2007, the Board of Supervisors approved a hiring freeze on all open City positions and asked that no vacant positions, with the exception of Sheriffs Deputies and Firefighters be filled without specific Board approval. The Parks and Recreation Department is asking that the Board find that the position of part-time Recreation Aide/Sports is critical to City operations and authorize the position to be filled. The Recreation Division currently has a request for four Recreation Aide/Sports positions. This provides assistance to the operations of the Parks and Recreation Department's Youth Basketball and Youth Volleyball. Duties include facility supervision, score keeping, timekeeping, and officiating.
Staff Summary: On October 18, 2007, the Board of Supervisors approved a hiring freeze on all open City positions and asked that no vacant positions, with the exception of Sheriffs Deputies and Firefighters be filled without specific Board approval. The Parks and Recreation Department is asking that the Board find that the position of part-time Lifeguard is critical to City operations and authorize the position to be filled. The Recreation Division currently has a request for two Lifeguard positions. Duties include life guarding and swim lesson instructions.
Staff Summary: On October 18, 2007, the Board of Supervisors approved a hiring freeze on all open City positions and asked that no vacant positions, with the exception of Sheriffs Deputies and Firefighters be filled without specific Board approval. The Parks and Recreation Department is asking that the Board find that the position of part-time Recreation Aide/Latch Key is critical to City operations and authorize the position to be filled. This position principally performs the following duties: Provides educational, recreational and basic care to students enrolled in our Latch Key programs.
Latch Key is a before and after school recreational enrichment program that is held at all Carson City public elementary schools, except Empire, and observes the school district holiday calendar. The program is designed to provide elementary aged children with creative structure while their parents work. Homework assistance, arts and crafts, sports games and special events are the basis of the program. The Parks and Recreation Department strives to create a quality program by maintaining a 1-10 instructor per student ratio. This ratio represents a best practice scenario that ensures that students are properly supervised. Latch Key is extremely popular by parents who depend on our services for supervision of their children while parents are working. The program is self sustaining and covers its direct costs including the personnel costs associated with the Recreation Aide positions. The five school sites are currently all filled with waiting lists. We have a standing request for six positions, as past experience has shown that the position has a frequent turn over rate. Positions will only be filled as needed up to the six position limit. If more positions are needed additional requests will be made. Without prior approval from the Board of Supervisors vacancies cannot be filled in a timely manner.
Staff Summary: On October 8, 2007, the Board of Supervisors approved a hiring freeze on all open City positions and asked that no vacant positions, with the exception of Sheriffs Deputies and Firefighters, be filled without specific Board approval. The Parks and Recreation Department is asking that the Board find that the position of Open Space Assistant, to be funded exclusively from the Open Space account, is critical to City operations and authorize the position to be filled. This position principally performs the following duties: 1. Assist in developing resources management plans for all designated City owned natural areas; this includes fuels management and reforestation. 2. Coordinates the preparation of open space, trails, parks and recreation environmental documents and project planning. 3. Coordinates environmental review and permit process functions with external and internal agencies. 4. Research, apply, and administer grants for management development of open space, trails, parks, and recreation. 5. Conducts field surveys, studies and inspections of soil conditions, and plant ecology in determining suitability and project planning.
Staff Summary: On October 18, 2007, the Board of Supervisors approved a hiring freeze on all open City positions and asked that no vacant positions, with the exception of Sheriffs Deputies and Firefighters be filled without specific Board approval. The Health and Human Services Dept is asking that the Board find the position of Public Health Nurse is critical to City operations and authorize the position to be filled. This position will perform the following duties: 1. Responsible for ensuring that all nursing grant program objectives are met; plans and executes nursing strategies for our clinic population to meet grant objectives; 2. Provides oversight for immunizations to the Carson City Public Health clinic population, which includes Medicaid and indigent individuals and families; 3. Performs comprehensive individual and family assessments such as health history, physical, psychosocial, substance abuse and access to health care; 3. Develops and provides outreach to underserved populations in the County; this can include providing special clinics in other County locations; 4. Prepares immunization protocols for use by clinic: orders and manages all clinic vaccine and supplies; 5. Assists in planning and responding to public health emergencies to include conducting exercises, training, and other duties as needed.
Staff Summary: On October 18, 2007, the Board of Supervisors approved a hiring freeze on all open City positions and asked that no vacant positions, with the exception of Sheriffs Deputies and Firefighters be filled without specific Board approval. The Health and Human Services Dept is asking that the Board find the position of HIV/Chronic Disease Prevention Manager is critical to City operations and authorize the position to be filled. This position will perform the following duties: 1. Coordinate HIV Prevention and Control Services for those persons who use or are eligible for Ryan White programs and services; 2. Provides case management services for individuals living with HIV/AIDS who need help dealing with barriers related to chemical dependency, mental illness, housing etc; 3. Work collaboratively with other staff and agencies to provide advocacy and referrals for HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and other chronic disease clients; 4. Conduct and coordinate outreach activities for HIV prevention (education, condom distribution, etc.), diabetes and other chronic diseases of importance in this community; 5. Coordinate with HIV Speakers Bureau for presentations at our facility and community/workplace sites; 6. Conduct specific activities in Carson City area, in collaboration with other agencies, to raise awareness and provide education on diabetes, obesity and the importance of proper nutrition and physical activity; 7. Advocate for policies which support diabetes, arthritis and other chronic disease awareness programs in community groups and coalitions; 8. Submit quarterly reports to the Nevada State Health Division outlining progress on above stated activities; 9. Performs other duties as assigned, including response to public health emergencies as needed.
14. Board of Supervisors
Non-Action Items:
Internal communications and administrative matters
Correspondence to the Board of Supervisors
Status reports and comments from the members of the Board
Staff comments and status report
15. Action to Adjourn
Following the adjournment of the meeting, the Carson City Board of Supervisors will meet with its management representatives to discuss labor negotiations. The Carson City Board of Supervisors will also meet to receive information from an attorney employed or retained by the city regarding potential and/or existing litigation involving matters over which the public body has supervision, control, jurisdiction or advisory power and to deliberate toward decisions on the matters.
Copies of information related to the above items can be viewed at the reference desk at the Carson City Public Library.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager's Office. You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the City Manager's Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV, 89701, or by calling (775)887-2100 at least 24 hours in advance.
This meeting can be viewed on Channel 26. For specific dates and times -
This notice has been posted at the following locations:
Community Center 851 East William Street
Public Safety Complex 885 East Musser Street
City Hall 201 North Carson Street
Carson City Library 900 North Roop Street