Carson City
06-07-12 Agenda with Supporting Materials
Day: Thursday
Date: June 7, 2012
Time: Beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Location: Community Center, Sierra Room
851 East William Street
Carson City, Nevada
1. Call to Order - Board of Supervisors
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation - Bill McCord, First United Methodist, Retired
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Public Comments and Discussion:
The public is invited at this time to comment on and discuss any topic that is relevant to, or within the authority of, the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority and the Carson City Board of Health (Boards). In order for members of the public to participate in the Boards' consideration of an agenda item, the Boards strongly encourage members of the public to comment on an agenda item during the item itself. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion to only provide for public comment under a public comment item and not call for or allow individual-item public comment at the time of any Boards' consideration of any item on the agenda involving: 1) an off-site tour by the Board; or 2) any person's or entity's due process appeal or hearing rights provided by statute or the Carson City Municipal Code.
6. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - May 3, 2012
7. For Possible Action: Adoption of Agenda
8. Consent Agenda
All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by the Board of Supervisors with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board or any citizen may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed and acted upon separately during this meeting. The Mayor, or the Mayor Pro-Tem, retains discretion in deciding whether or not an item will be pulled off the consent agenda.
8-1. Assessor
A) For Possible Action: To approve the correction and increase of the taxes for the 2009/10, 2010/11 tax years for personal property account number MH 006124 (76 Shady Tree Ln #76) per NRS 361.767 in the amount of $1,514.19. (Kimberly Adams)
Staff Summary: In 2009, the manufactured home that is located at 76 Shady Tree Ln was installed at Cottonwood Mobile Home Park. However, the Assessor's office was not notified by the park owner, the owner of the manufactured home, or by the seller of the manufactured home regarding the purchase or installation of the home. An installation permit was issued through the building department, but due to a clerical error the home was never added to the personal property tax roll. The Assessor's office is requesting that the 2009/10 and the 2010/11 fiscal year personal property taxes be corrected and billed for a total amount due of $1,514.19 per NRS 361.767. The Assessor's office will make payment arrangements with the owner and there will be no penalties added as long as the payment agreement is met.
B) For Possible Action: To approve the partial removal and refund of Real Property Taxes for Parcel Number 009-122-01 (S. Carson St.) for the 2011/12 tax year per NRS 361.055 in the amount of $60.04. (Kimberly Adams)
Staff Summary: Assessor's Parcel Number 009-122-01 (S. Carson St.) was a parcel that the State of Nevada, Department of Transportation was leasing to a private party and was therefore taxable. The State of Nevada, Department of Transportation recorded a "termination of lease" document on March 7, 2012. This parcel is now exempt per NRS 361.055. The Assessor's Office is asking that the property tax be prorated from July 1, 2011 through March 7, 2012 and that the remaining amount be removed and refunded from the 2011/12 Real Property Tax Roll.
8-2. Finance
For Possible Action: To accept the report on the condition of each fund in the treasury through May 29, 2012 per NRS 251.030. (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: NRS 251.030 requires the Finance Director (for the purpose of the statute acting as the County Auditor) to report to the Board of County Commissioners (or in our case the Board of Supervisors), at each regular meeting thereof, the condition of each fund in the treasury.
8-3. Purchasing and Contracts
A) For Possible Action: To accept Public Works recommendation to approve Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 1011-125 with The Louis Berger Group, Inc. titled "Carson City Freeway Phase 2B Utilities Support" to change the scope of work, increase the contract in an amount of $35,270.58 from $139,554.17 to $174,824.75 and to increase the contract term from August 1, 2012 to February 1, 2013. (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: On May 5, 2011, the Carson City Board of Supervisors approved the above listed contract in the amount of $139,554.17, and on January 19, 2012, the Carson City Board of Supervisors approved Amendment 1 an increase to the contract term. This request is to amend the scope of work, increase the contract amount and increase the contract term. This amendment is to provide Professional Services which include: Bid Support, Construction Support and additional design support for the Carson City Freeway Phase 2B Utilities Relocation Project.
B) For Possible Action: To determine that Contract No. 1112-188 is a contract for supplies, materials or equipment that are available pursuant to an agreement with a vendor that has entered into an agreement with the General Services Administration or another governmental agency located within or outside this State and therefore not suitable for public bidding pursuant to NRS 332.115 and to approve Contract Order No. 1112-188 a request for the purchase of Cationic Emulsion Polymer at $1.35 per pound including freight from Ashland Water Technologies through July 1, 2013 on an as-needed basis to be funded from Wastewater Fund Chemicals as provided in FY 2012/2013. (P.O. No. 2012-115) (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: Cationic Emulsion Polymer is required for the operation of the Carson City Wastewater Reclamation Plant in order to enhance flocculation and aid in the removal of solids from the wastewater.
8-4. Public Works
For Possible Action: To approve payment and the assignments and change in the point of diversion, place of use, the manner of use and the time of use as approved by Carson City for the purchase of 40.0 acre feet of ground water from Donald M. and Kathleen Schulz, Trustees of the Schulz Living Trust, Martin J. Schulz, Trustee of the LMA Trust and the SMJ Trust, Margaret Schulz Loh, Individually and Martin J. Schulz, Individually for $320,000, in conformance with the "Water Purchase Agreement By and Between Carson City and Donald M. and Kathleen Schulz, Trustees of the Schulz Living Trust, Martin J. Schulz, Trustee of the LMA Trust and the SMJ Trust, Margaret Schulz Loh, Individually and Martin J. Schulz, Individually," dated October 25, 2005. (Thomas Guinn)
Staff Summary: Pursuant to the Water Purchase Agreement between Carson City and Donald M. and Kathleen Schulz, et al, dated October 20, 2005, Carson City Public Works is recommending completing the purchase of the above stated groundwater rights at a cost of $8,000.00 per acre foot, to increase the City's water right portfolio.
8-5. Health and Human Services
For Possible Action: To approve funding a full-time and part-time Advanced Practice Nurse in lieu of contracting with Physicians Select Management which will result in a cost savings of approximately $20,000. (Marena Works)
Staff Summary: The funding for these positions is through our current Title X grant, which originates from the Office of Population Affairs (OPA) and clinic revenue which will be used to fund directly through City payroll, one full-time and one part-time Advanced Practice Nurse (APN). Funding these positions would be instead of contracting with Physicians Select Management (PSM) to provide our APN staffing. This change will result in approximately $20,000 of savings into these funds.
8-6. Parks and Recreation - Open Space
For Possible Action: To authorize the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Understanding providing for a cooperative working relationship with Douglas and Washoe Counties for the development of the Stateline to Stateline Bikeway. (Ann Bollinger / Juan Guzman)
Staff Summary: Previously referred to as the "Lake Tahoe Bike Path," the original Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), approved by the Board of Supervisors in May 2004, expired in 2009. The MOU was the first agreement among Washoe, Douglas, and Carson City following voter approval of Statewide Ballot Initiative Question #1 providing for the appropriation of $5 million towards the development of a Lake Tahoe Path System. The updated MOU is very similar and is necessary due to the extended timeframe needed for trail development.
8-7. Parks and Recreation
For Possible Action: To authorize the Mayor or his designee to sign a letter directed to the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act - Parks, Trails and Natural Areas program in support of Carson City's grant request recommended for Round 13. (Juan Guzman)
Staff Summary: The Bureau of Land Management has called for a 45-day written comments period on the Round 13 preliminary recommendations for nominated projects for the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act grants. Carson City's nominated project, the Carson River trail system - Eagle Valley Creek segment, under the Parks, Trails and Natural Areas category has been preliminarily ranked second. The dollar amount of the requested grant is for $264,700. It is important to submit letters of support since the preliminary recommendation will be the subject of subsequent reviews by the Executive Committee and finally the Secretary of the Interior.
8-8. City Manager
For Possible Action: To re-appoint Sandy Foley to the Library Board of Trustees for a 4-year term that will expire in June 2016. (Larry Werner)
Staff Summary: NRS 379.020 provides for the Board of Supervisors to appoint five competent persons who are residents of the county to serve as county library trustees. There is one vacancy for a 4-year term due to a member's term expiring. Sandy Foley has requested reappointment. There are no other applicants.
(End of Consent Agenda)
9. Recess as Board of Supervisors
Liquor and Entertainment Board
10. Call to Order & Roll Call - Liquor and Entertainment Board
11. For Possible Action: Approval of Minutes - April 19, 2012
12. Public Works - Business License
For Possible Action: To approve Steven Andrew Yap as the liquor manager for Zen's Cafe (Liquor License #12-28854) located at 1200 S. Stewart St., Carson City. (Jennifer Pruitt)
Staff Summary: All liquor license requests are to be reviewed by the Liquor Board per CCMC 4.13. Steven Andrew Yap is applying to be listed as the liquor manager on the liquor license.
13. For Possible Action: To Adjourn as the Liquor and Entertainment Board
14. Reconvene as the Board of Supervisors
Ordinances, Resolutions, and Other Items
15. Any item(s) pulled from the Consent Agenda will be heard at this time.
16. Courts, Juvenile and Alternative Sentencing
For Possible Action: To approve a full-time Alternative Sentencing Officer assigned to Juvenile Court for courtroom security and for screening the public through the magnetometer. (Kristin Luis, Max Cortes, John Simms & Rory Planeta)
Staff Summary: Since 2007, the Alternative Sentencing Department has been providing supervision over the officers assigned to provide security in the courtrooms as bailiffs/marshals. This decision was made by the judges to maximize staff resources and to insure that Post certifications and mandatory annual Post training requirements were being adhered to and coordinated. The District Court Judges and the Justice/Municipal Court Judges have been pleased with the supervision of the officers assigned to their courtrooms to act as marshals/bailiffs and the efforts made to enhance security in the courthouse for the overall safety of the public, personnel and judicial officers. Since District Court oversees Juvenile Court, and the Juvenile Special Master is presiding over hearings assigned by the District Court Judges, and due to the recent security issues, the need for a full-time officer is essential to provide protection to the public, personnel and to the judicial officer. When the Juvenile Court is not in session, the assigned officer will assist with juvenile transportation and other needs of the Juvenile Court, Juvenile Detention/Probation Departments and Alternative Sentencing as time permits. Coverage for absences for the Juvenile full-time officer will be provided by the Department of Alternative Sentencing.
17. Sheriff
For Possible Action: To approve the application and accept the BJA FY 2012 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant B application number 2012-H2939-NV-DJ (direct award) in the amount of $15,047.00. (Ken Furlong)
Staff Summary: Over the past several years, the Carson City Sheriff's Office has made prevention a priority by continuing its Cops and Kids Community Prevention Program. This grant application will focus on prevention, community awareness/outreach, intervention and referral. The plan includes continuation of services currently in operation that update curricula and continue growth opportunities. The Carson City Sheriff's Office has implemented many services that conform to community policing strategies, utilizing a combination of nationally recognized and local initiatives to build and maintain positive relationships between law enforcement and citizens of all ages, building strong partnerships and consistent community collaboration. This grant will provide funding for numerous events and programs, including Elementary DARE and DARE Plus classes, Red Ribbon Campaign, Cops & Kids Spaghetti Dinner, Cops & Kids Open House and National Night Out.
18. Assessor
For Possible Action: To approve the reconsideration of a previously approved consent agenda item from the March 1, 2012 Board of Supervisors meeting. Due to new information received, the refund that was approved by the Board is no longer necessary for parcel number 009-161-10 (S. Carson St.) in the amount of $27.04. A new lease agreement was recorded during the current fiscal year per NRS 361.157. (Kimberly Adams)
Staff Summary: Assessor's Parcel Number 009-161-10 (S. Carson St.) is a parcel that the State of Nevada, Department of Transportation is leasing to a private party and is therefore taxable. The State of Nevada, Department of Transportation recorded a "termination of lease" document on February 3, 2012. At the time, it was the Assessor's office understanding that this termination was for the rest of the current fiscal year. However, on March 9, 2012 the State of Nevada, Department of Transportation recorded a new "multi-use lease" agreement with the owners, thereby making the parcel taxable again, per NRS 361.157. Though there was one month between the termination of the lease and the new multi-use lease the lessee never stopped using the property. The Assessor's Office is asking for a reconsideration of an approved consent agenda item that was approved on March 1, 2012.
19. Purchasing and Contracts
For Possible Action: To approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a National Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Participation Agreement with BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative and approve the purchase of a 2012 ADVANTAGE 500 Landfill Compactor, pursuant to NRS 332.115(1)(m) from Al-jon Manufacturing LLC for $649,637.00 to be funded from Landfill Equipment Fund as provided in FY 2012/2013. (PO # 2012-114, Contract #1112-192) (Kim Belt)
Staff Summary: The compactor currently in use at the landfill has exceeded its useful life; resulting in the loss of compaction that is negatively affecting valuable air space and landfill life span. Staff's intention was to find a landfill compactor at a trade show; however, staff was unable to obtain the required equipment at a reasonable cost and turned to the BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperative.
A purchasing cooperative enables public entities governed by competitive bidding requirements to take advantage of bids awarded by the cooperative. The National Purchasing Cooperative leverages the power of a nationwide network of purchasers to drive down prices of commodities, goods, and services by providing the successful bidder(s) the opportunity for a higher quantity of sales. Staff believes this effort has resulted in savings to the City of approximately $70,000 over pricing through a local conducted bid process.
20. Public Works
A) For Possible Action: To approve and authorize the mayor to sign an Interlocal Agreement with NDOT for the Carson City Freeway Project which identifies responsibilities associated with Phase 2B-2 improvements, right-of-way, utility relocation and maintenance. (Thomas Guinn)
Staff Summary: This is the next step in the Carson City Freeway Project. Phase 2B-2 design is complete and packaged to go to bid. Carson City staff and NDOT have prepared the Phase 2B-2 Project Agreement similar in nature to the previous Project Agreements for Phase 1A, Phase 1B, Phase 2A and Phase 2B-1.
B) For Possible Action: To approve and authorize the mayor to sign an Agreement for the Adjustment of Utility Facilities with NDOT for the Carson City Freeway Project which identifies adjustments of utility facilities associated with the Phase 2B-2 construction and owned by Carson City. (Thomas Guinn)
Additional Supporting Materials
Staff Summary: This is the next step in the Carson City Freeway Project. Phase 2B-2 design is complete and packaged to go to bid. Carson City staff and NDOT have prepared the Phase 2B-2 Project Agreement similar in nature to the previous Utility Agreements for Phase 1A, Phase 1B, Phase 2A and Phase 2B-1.
21. Finance
A) For Possible Action: Presentation by the Carson City Municipal Golf Corporation (CCMGC) of a status update of activities at the Eagle Valley Golf Course and possible action to approve deferring the lease payment that was due to Carson City on July 1, 2011 for $80,000 and January 1, 2012 for $40,000 and the lease payment that will become due on July 1, 2012 for $80,000 until a performance audit can be conducted by the City's Internal Auditor, Moss Adams. (Nick Providenti & Larry Werner)
Staff Summary: Carson City entered into a Lease Agreement with CCMGC to operate the City=s golf course in July, 1997. The lease was renewed on May 2, 2002 for 5 years with rolling renewals. Representatives from CCMGC will appear before the Board to provide an update on the facility and current operations of the Eagle Valley Golf Course. Because of the economy, CCMGC has not been able to make the lease payment of $80,000 that was due on July 1, 2011 or the payment of $40,000 that was due on January 1, 2012. Staff is requesting that the payments be deferred and to also defer the payment due on July 1, 2012 until a performance audit can be conducted by the City's Internal Auditor, Moss Adams.
B) For Possible Action: To introduce, on first reading, an ordinance authorizing the issuance of a medium term obligation to finance the cost of ambulances, wheelchair vans and improvements and equipment for the City landfill and to refund certain outstanding medium term obligations for the City; specifying the details for the "Carson City, Nevada, general obligation (limited tax) various purpose medium term and refunding bond, series 2012"; specifying the terms and conditions of such bond, the method of paying the bond and its form; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. (Nick Providenti) Late Material
Staff Summary: The City has determined that the bonds should be issued for the purpose of financing the cost of ambulances, wheelchair vans and improvements and equipment for the City landfill and to refund certain outstanding medium term obligations for the City.
C) For Possible Action: To enter into insurance agreements with Affiliated FM for property insurance at a total premium of $273,061, Travelers Insurance Company for auto physical damage and excess liability coverage at a total premium of $381,798, Great American for government crime insurance at a total premium of $9,745, and with Illinois Union for Landfill Pollution Legal Liability insurance at a total premium of $12,518 for a grand total of $677,122 for FY 12-13. (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: All of the Insurance coverage's (Property, General Liability, Auto Liability, Excess Liability, Auto Physical Damage, Crime Insurance, and Pollution Liability) are being renewed with the same insurance companies as last year. All of the insurance companies are A rated by AM Best Services and have a financial rating of at least $1,250,000,000.
The premiums this year have increased approximately 7% partly due to the overall increases in the Worldwide Insurance market because of the severe catastrophic losses that occurred last year. In addition, Carson City has had some unforeseen liability claims that have occurred this past year and the liability premiums were increased slightly because of these incidents.
D) For Possible Action: To enter into an excess liability insurance policy with New York Marine Insurance Company for excess workers compensation liability insurance services for a total premium of $75,597. (Nick Providenti)
Staff Summary: Staff is recommending that Carson City enter into an insurance relationship with the above carrier for workers compensation excess liability insurance services for FY 12-13. We are recommending that we end our relationship with our current carrier, Midwest Casualty Insurance Company and change to New York Marine Insurance Company based on quotes received from the respective carriers. The total premiums for FY 11-12 were $72,885 so the total increase would be 3.72%
Following a recess of the meeting, the Carson City Board of Supervisors will meet with its management representatives to discuss labor negotiations pursuant to NRS 288.220(4).
22. Human Resources
A) For Possible Action: To approve the "Amended Collective Bargaining Agreement" between Carson City and the Carson City Firefighter's Association, Local #2251 of the International Association of Firefighters, July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2017. (Melanie Bruketta)
Staff Summary: City staff was directed to ask members of Local #2251 if they would be willing to give back the 2% cost-of-living adjustment to take effect July 1, 2012. The Union agreed provided the City amend some of the articles in the collective bargaining agreement. Staff believes the contract satisfies the interests of the City and the Union. This matter is being considered in accordance with the public hearing process set forth in NRS 288.153.
B) For Possible Action: To approve the "Amended Collective Bargaining Agreement" between Carson City and the Carson City Fire Department Classified Chief Officers Association, July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2017. (Melanie Bruketta)
Staff Summary: City staff was directed to ask members of Union if they would be willing to give back the 2% cost-of-living adjustment to take effect July 1, 2012. The Union agreed provided the City amend some of the articles in the collective bargaining agreement. Staff believes the contract satisfies the interests of the City and the Union. This matter is being considered in accordance with the public hearing process set forth in NRS 288.153.
C) For Possible Action: To approve the collective bargaining agreement between Carson City and the Carson City Employee's Association effective July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 and the Addendum between Carson City, District Court, Justice Court and the Employee's Association. (Melanie Bruketta)
Staff Summary: Negotiations between the City and the Employee's Association resulted in the proposed one year labor contract. This contract satisfies the interests of both the City and the employees. This matter is being considered in accordance with the public hearing process set forth in NRS 288.153.
D) For Possible Action: To adopt a resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Carson City setting forth the benefits for unclassified employees effective July 1, 2012. (Melanie Bruketta)
Staff Summary: Adoption of this resolution eliminates disability insurance and management leave but adds a provision for performance pay.
E) For Possible Action: To approve the employee health insurance plan with St. Mary's HealthFirst, the employee dental and life insurance plans with The Standard and the employee vision plan with VSP. (Melanie Bruketta)
Staff Summary: This action is to approve the benefit plans for health, dental, life and vision for active city employees and retirees. All plans will go from a 3-tier level of coverage to a 4-tier level of coverage. Standard has agreed to increase the dental coverage for major services from 50% to 55% without an increase in rates, but due to the 4-tier rate structure, the rate for family coverage will increase from $115.75 to $124.72. The other rates will either remain the same or decrease.
Vision insurance is covered by VSP. There is a also a slight change in the VSP rates, but the changes do not affect employee only and employee plus spouse coverage.
The health plan will have the following rate increases: HMO- 7.13%, POS- 5.07% and PPO- employee without Medicare 6.5%, employee and spouse with Medicare 2% and employee plus family 18%. In addition, a Domestic Partner Rider is included in the renewal.
23. City Manager
For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action to direct the ballot question's general language and direct the City Manager and Clerk-Recorder to bring an NRS 392.482 compliant resolution before the Board for the placement of an advisory ballot question, including the explanation of the question, a description of the anticipated financial effect and the arguments for and against the question, on the November 2012 General Election Ballot for financing the design, development, construction, operation and maintenance of a new Knowledge and Discovery Center library and public plaza park on property to be donated to the City by the Hop and Mae Adams Foundation through an increase in the sales tax by 1/4 of 1 percent pursuant to NRS Chapter 377A. (Larry Werner)
Staff Summary: At the May 17, 2012, the Board of Supervisors requested that the City Manager draft an advisory ballot question, explanation of the question, fiscal analysis, and environmental statement of building a new knowledge and discovery center and public plaza a to be placed on the November 2012 ballot. Upon approval of this action, the Clerk/Recorder will have prepared arguments for and against the question to be included in the resolution.
Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 377A provides, among other things, the ability of a governing body to submit a question to the people to allow the imposition of a 1/4 of 1 percent sales tax rate for a library. Nevada Revised Statutes Chapter 293 specifies the method and details for placing an advisory question before the voters.
24. Parks and Recreation
For Possible Action: To adopt and approve, including authorizing the Mayor to sign a resolution consenting to a relinquishment and land transfer agreement between Carson City and the State of Nevada, Department of Transportation for an 11 acre public park along Imus Road in north Carson City. (Roger Moellendorf / Vern Krahn)
Staff Summary: On May 1 , 2012, the Parks and Recreation Commission by a 7 to 1 vote recommended to the Board of Supervisors that Carson City acquire surplus property at no cost from the State of Nevada, Department of Transportation (NDOT) along Imus Road for a future park in north Carson City. This surplus property was originally acquired by NDOT for the construction of the Carson City Freeway and is no longer needed by NDOT.
25. Board of Supervisors
Non-Action Items:
Status review of projects
Internal communications and administrative matters
Correspondence to the Board of Supervisors
Status reports and comments from the members of the Board
Staff comments and status report
26. Public Comment: The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda.
27. For Possible Action: To Adjourn
Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.
Copies of information related to the above items can be viewed at the reference desk at the Carson City Public Library.
Titles of agenda items are intended to identify specific matters. If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, you are encouraged to call the responsible agency or the City Manager's Office. You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.
Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the City Manager's Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, Carson City, NV, 89701, or by calling (775)887-2100 at least 24 hours in advance.
This meeting can be viewed on Channel 226. For specific dates and times -
This notice has been posted at the following locations:
Community Center 851 East William Street
Public Safety Complex 885 East Musser Street
City Hall 201 North Carson Street
Carson City Library 900 North Roop Street
Business Resource & Innovation Center (BRIC) 108 East Proctor Street
Date: May 31, 2012