Carson City
Historic Resources Commission
- Agenda with Supporting Materials
- 2024 Meeting Schedule
- 2025 Meeting Schedule
- Application
- Historic Resources Scavenger Hunt
Seven members, recommended by this commission and approved by the Board of Supervisors, to serve four year terms. Historic Resource Commission members include building, design and preservation professionals familiar with and sympathetic to the unique characteristics of older buildings, as well as property owners within the Historic District. Meetings are held the second Thursday of every other month at 5:30 p.m. in the Sierra Room of the Carson City Community Center, 851 East William Street.
To review exterior development within the Historic District of Carson City.
Typical Duties
- Review remodeling of historic structures
- Review and approve designs of new buildings within the historic district
- Consideration of historic property tax deferments
- Consideration of historic grant opportunities
- Consideration of historic preservation awards
Carson City Municipal Code 18.06, Development Standards Division 5, and Resolution 1982-R-29 require 4-year terms with seven members. Two architects or design professionals with experience in historic preservation; one professionally qualified in building construction; one, not more than two, professional in the field of historic preservation; one who owns property and resides within the District; and one or two who demonstrate knowledge and interest in Carson City history and in design, finance, real property transactions, archeology or other matters to advance the business of HRC.
Historic Resources Commission Board Details and Member RosterResources
- Historic Resource Informative Materials
- Fencing Requirements
- Historic District Information
- Historical Society
Minutes of previous Commission meetings
Administrative services for the Historic Resources Commission are performed by the Planning Division. Call 775-887-2180 or email for more information.